Hadoop 入门教程 Hadoop 编程

2024-02-26 开发教程 Hadoop 入门教程 匿名 3


  1. select:直接分析输入数据,取出需要的字段数据即可
  2. where: 也是对输入数据处理的过程中进行处理,判断是否需要该数据
  3. aggregation:min, max, sum
  4. group by: 通过Reducer实现
  5. sort
  6. join: map join, reduce join

Third-Party Libraries

export LIBJARS=$MYLIB/commons-lang-2.3.jar, hadoop jar prohadoop-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar org.aspress.prohadoop.c3. WordCountUsingToolRunner -libjars $LIBJARS
hadoop jar prohadoop-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar org.aspress.prohadoop.c3. WordCountUsingToolRunner The dependent libraries are now included inside the application JAR file

一般还是上面的好,指定依赖可以利用Public Cache,如果是包含依赖,则每次都需要拷贝


MapReduce Design Patterns